Connecting what we see and hear

No Needles. That’s our pledge.

Getting your Amp Tattoo is a creative journey. Let’s make it fun.





Step 1: Artwork Selection

You are one-of-a-kind and so are your expressive choices. Each Amp Tattoo is made by hand because you deserve nothing less. We’re focused on celebrating your sense of balanced artistry.

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Custom Design…

Already have a design for your amp? Have a concept but need the art created? Or are you just beginning to think of the possibilities?

We want to hear your voice. Tell us your Amp Tattoo dreams and wishes. Maybe they should be crazy.


…or Original Selection

HEARSiGHT™ shot or designed the art in our Signature Collection. No hard feelings if you select something custom. We won’t take a long walk off a short pier.

Beauty is in the ear of the listener.



Step 2: Install then Shred

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You’ve arrived at your design and you’re ready to commission the art for your amp.

Lets select the right size Amp Tattoo for your amp cabinet and get ‘er done.